Northwestern AI

Educating and Empowering Students to Shape the Future with Artificial Intelligence.

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Who We Are

We are a group of Northwestern students with a wide range of interests and backgrounds, including technical, non-technical, business, and communication expertise. We are committed to keeping doors open to anyone who shares our curiosity and passion for artificial intelligence. Whether you're a seasoned AI enthusiast or just beginning to explore this exciting field, you'll find a place among us. Northwestern AI is a community that thrives on inclusivity, where every perspective is valued, and every member has the opportunity to contribute to our shared journey of learning.

What We Do

Northwestern AI is a dynamic space where innovation thrives. We actively bridge the gap between artificial intelligence and various fields, offering students opportunities to engage with hands-on learning, collaborative discussions, and insightful guest speakers. Our mission is to equip Northwestern students, regardless of their AI background, with the expertise and resources needed to not only navigate but also contribute to the rapidly evolving AI landscape.

Northwestern AI logo
Event ImageDiscussions
We dive deep into AI's transformative impact on various industries and its societal implications. Join us for thought-provoking dialogues led by experts, faculty, and fellow members to explore the ever-evolving landscape of artificial intelligence. It's where curiosity sparks, ideas flourish, and knowledge grows.
Event ImageGuest Speakers
We host industry leading experts, researchers, and innovators who will share their insights, experiences, and cutting-edge discoveries in AI. These events offer unique opportunities for networking, learning, and gaining valuable perspectives from influential figures in the AI community.
Event ImageCompetitions
Join us for some friendly AI-themed competitions. These events are designed to be fun and educational, catering to all levels of expertise. Whether you're a beginner or an AI aficionado, our competitions provide an opportunity to engage in a bit of healthy competition and learn new skills.
Event ImageHackathons
AI Hackathons are time-bound events that provide the perfect platform to collaborate, code, and transform your AI ideas into reality. Whether you're a seasoned developer or a newcomer, our hackathons offer an exciting opportunity to push the boundaries of AI technology and build meaningful solutions.

Meet the Team!

Isaac Miller


James Kuntz


Grace Downing

Executive Member

Helena Guajardo

Executive Member

Varoon Enjeti

Executive Member

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© 2023 Northwestern AI Club. All Rights Reserved.